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What Are The Different Function Slot Attitudes In Depth Typology

When you realize that each personality type presents their cognitive functions with specific attitudes based on their locations, it’s a huge level up for understanding how someone’s mind works.

This was one of the biggest enhancements to the Depth Typology system. It was the piece that helped me clarify my type and countless others.

If you haven’t explored Temperaments, Interaction Styles or the basic differences in cognitive functions, you should do that first. This is just one piece of a bigger system.

In my opinion, these function slot attitudes provide an opportunity for specific deeper work to develop your type and to better understand those of others.

John Beebe and Linda Berens talk about it in their books and CS Joseph via his podcasts. I’ve been able to expand upon it from my own personal experience and observations of others.

Ego Type Function Slots

The Ego is your conscious personality. You are most aware of these patterns which is why we are most focused on their use. As we develop our Ego type, we become much more responsible with its personification.

Slot 1 – The Hero Function

Image by Fathromi Ramdlon from Pixabay

This is the most innate, tried and true or go-to function. It is where we feel the most comfortable and confident. However because of this, we may default to it even when it’s not applicable to a situation.

You might even trust it so much that it can become cocky and overrule weaker functions causing an imbalance in development. It can literally act like the Hero who wants to save the day — which might be overly optimistic.

We often crave recognition and validation of this function. But if we are arrogant and imbalanced with its use, others will meet us with resistance.

If it becomes frustrated or needs relief, it’s wise to pass the torch to the Inferior function. But only in a consciously productive way. If that shift is forced in a chaotic situation, it can have some nasty results.

Slot 2 – The Parent Function

Image by Sasin Tipchai from Pixabay

This function has the attitude of… well a responsible parent. It helps balance and keeps the Hero function in check when it’s properly developed.

It’s also linked to the Child function. So it’ll try to protect the Child from unjustified abuse. But if immature it can actually compromise it’s own Child.

When the Parent is underdeveloped, other functions have to step in. This causes an imbalance and problems for you and your relationships.

An absent parent allows the Hero and Child to pair up and reaffirm one another’s viewpoints. The Shadow’s Critic function may also manifest with it’s critical attitude.

If you depend on either of these patterns to cover for the Parent, it will suppress healthy growth of that function.

A mature Parent function doesn’t need recognition like the Hero. It carries a healthy skepticism that may actually make it more accurate than someone with the same Hero function.

Developing your Parent function is the biggest source of growth and balance for your personality type.

Slot 3 – The Child Function

Image by Prashant Sharma from Pixabay

The Child function has a child-like innocence and joy, but it’s also sensitive. It’s best used in times of play, intimacy and in bursts of divine insight to aid in the Hero and Parent’s joint work.

When the Parent isn’t present enough, the Hero and Child functions develop a codependent relationship. This causes a lot of personal struggle.

The Hero won’t be proven wrong when backed by the Child’s desire to concur for approval. And the Child function becomes bratty and demanding from the constant indulgence of it’s opinions.

Because of the sensitivity of the Child function, the Parent will try to protect it from external attack. But when it can’t the Nemesis or Demon functions may release and put up their dukes.

Slot 4 – The Inferior Function

Image by Stefan Keller from Pixabay

The Inferior function is where a person’s fear, insecurity and anxiety manifests. That is why you should never use this function for important things — it’s not made for that. That’s the Hero and Parent’s job.

Without intentional use of this function, you can fall into it’s grip in negative ways when the Hero function is exhausted and taps out. So it’s important to give the Hero a break and exercise your Inferior.

Insecurity causes a vain overcompensation. People pick up on this pride and want to knock it down. When someone kicks you in the Inferior it triggers hatred which releases your Demon function to seek vengeance.

Nothing good comes from that.

It can be avoided f you humble yourself and learn to accept your inferiority. Once you do, you can positively transition into the Aspirational side of your mind. This is where you will find fulfillment and happiness.

Shadow Type Function Slots

Behaviors that manifest from our Shadow type make us feel like something else has taken over. That’s because we’re unaware of the things that are playing out in our unconscious.

The Shadow is the opposing aspects of your Ego type. Each function lurks in the shadow behind its Ego counterpart.

You may think Shadow work sucks. But if you struggle through it, you’ll level up and unlock amazing wisdom from within.

Slot 5 – The Nemesis Function

Photo by Monika Simeonova on Unsplash

The Nemesis function is how your worry and concerns manifest. If the Hero ignores these messages and stagnates, the Nemesis gets louder and sometimes takes control.

This brings opposition to the Hero. It becomes an internal struggle until the Hero sees the Nemesis’s wisdom and takes action.

The Nemesis function is also the type of ammunition used in a fight.

Even though the Nemesis and Hero have a complicated relationship, they will unite to fight a common enemy. Like if the Parent can’t protect the Child or you find yourself in a challenging confrontation.

If you learn to use the Nemesis as an ally, you’ll silence your worries. This also allows you to positively transition into your Shadow type opening access to a great source of knowledge.

Slot 6 – The Critic Function

Image by PublicDomainPictures from Pixabay

This function is how your high standards manifest. It has a very critical attitude towards both yourself and others in this area.

If you try to push your standards on others but don’t live up to them yourself, you are a hypocrite and they should call you out on it. It’ll be painful, but deep down you’ll know they’re right.

On the surface the Critic might appear to have a similar attitude to the Hero, but Heroes are more arrogant than critical. And, they are less likely to admit something that feels like a blow to their identity.

The pressure and suffering during the Critic’s development can literally turn this function into a flawless diamond.

Slot 7 – The Trickster Function

Photo by TETrebbien on Unsplash

This function manifests as a blind spot or an area that plays tricks on you. It can feel like playing with fire. You get burned when you least expect it.

The Trickster function feels sort of slippery like every time you think you grasp an aspect, something changes. It’s very frustrating to try so hard and suck so bad.

This may cause you to resign to how subjective it is. Believing everything and nothing all at once. Or you may just be completely oblivious about this area.

The best way to approach this function is to just admit it’s a weakness, play to your strengths and get someone else to cover this blind spot. Buddy up with the type that has this as their Hero and your Hero as their Trickster.

Slot 8 – The Demon Function

Image by Waldkunst from Pixabay

Because this is the lowest function we don’t prioritize energy to it’s development. So it sits deep in our unconscious festering from neglect.

At some point we sense the Demon’s powerful and dangerous energy within, afraid to open that Pandora’s Box.

The Demon function is where we are most vulnerable. If we get taken advantage of, all hell breaks loose. Anything that triggers hate can cause your Demon to rear up.

The Demon function is the gateway into the mighty power of the Super Ego side of the mind. If all else has failed, the mind’s last resort is to unleash this uncontrollable evil energy to burn the world down.

That is why you should set aside some energy to develop this function. That magnificent energy can become angelic love if we aren’t forced to use it in panic and chaos.

Wanna See How This All Fits Together?

The numbered slots and their attitudes is just one piece of the bigger Depth Typology system.

Once you understand that, the pieces start making more sense and can be useful tools to understand others and yourself.

If this doesn’t quite make sense, it’s easier to see the differences of a specific function as the attitude changes in each location.

Which Function Slot Do You Want To Know More? Let Me Know In The Comments

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