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10 Areas That Will Dramatically Reduce Toxin Exposure To Kickstart Healing

When it comes to health, many people overlook the impact that eliminating sources of toxin exposure can have on their progress.

We live in a world where it’s almost impossible to avoid toxins. I’ve heard stories of them infiltrating even the most remote corners of the earth – both high and low.

Our bodies can handle a lot, but there comes a point where our detox organs become overburdened and toxins begin to build up in our systems. This is why cleansing has become necessary and “detox” is the new buzzword.

Inflammation is caused by toxin exposure and if the body can’t get it out, inflammation becomes chronic. If the body is constantly fighting toxins, it doesn’t have the capacity to do much else.

That’s when the body slows or even stops healing and all systems become dysfunctional. That’s when you start to notice symptoms which can turn into full blown disease and cancer.

With some effort we can reverse these conditions and help the body do what it’s built to do which is heal and maintain function.

Once you read all the scary stuff down below, you’ll start to see how absolutely amazing the body is. It’s been fighting against the chemical onslaught we’re exposed to each and every day.


This post does not provide medical advice. The information below is to be used for informational purposes. No material on this site is intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health care provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition or treatment and before undertaking a new health care regimen, and never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read on this website.

Regardless, all of the following information has come from experts from doing my own research. I suggest you take it upon yourself to do the same. Once you see the light, it’s hard to put your head back in the sand.

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Less Toxins In = Bigger Backlog Processing Out

The fastest way to make an impact on your health is to remove the largest sources of toxin exposure in your life. You want less going in than your body can process out, so it can start working on the backlog.

One of the interviews I listened to used the analogy of trying to dry off while still in the shower. You can also use the the boat analogy. The bigger the hole the harder it is to empty the boat and stay afloat.

Everyone is in a different place. Some items are easy to forgo while others are more challenging. Do what you can first. You can always remove other sources over time.

You want changes to be lasting. It’s better to start small and build over time, than try to do it all and revert back.

Image by Fifaliana Joy from Pixabay

Biggest Reward For Effort Toxin Sources

This list is not all inclusive, but it’s comprised of items that are loaded with toxins that negatively impact our bodies. I’ll try to list alternatives. Feel free to let us know products you’ve found that are more natural.

Beauty Products & Hygiene Products

Beauty products go on the skin and get absorbed right into our blood stream. This might actually be worse than oral ingestion.

Most people don’t know that the Federal Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act, passed in 1938, pretty much leaves the beauty and cosmetic industry unregulated. Which is absurd considering it’s 112 pages long.

I’ve listened to countless interviews with doctors and scientists talking about the dangerous chemicals that are in our beauty and hygiene products.

If you know anything about chemistry, some chemicals when combined can be more dangerous than they are individually. That’s just scary.

And the companies don’t really have to ensure safety before distributing. That means the people using them are test subjects.

Products are only removed if there are enough safety reports to warrant it. These companies have pools of money designated for paying off victims of products.

I was horrified and grateful that I don’t really use any beauty products and shower way less frequently than most people. I still switched over to natural lye soap that I made with my cousin (thanks Gina).

If you aren’t like me, this is a really big area that will make a significant impact on the number of toxins you’re exposed to.

Cleaning Supplies

If you thought beauty products were safe, imagine how toxic cleaning products actually are. Bleach is terrible. Anything that says antibacterial is terrible. Triclosan and triclocarban kill good germs as well as bad.

I believe I heard an interview expert say that only 3% of bacteria is actually bad for us. Our entire digestive system is made up of bacteria that helps keep us alive. That’s what your microbiome is.

Killing all bacteria reduces our own immune system.

Look into vinegar, lye soaps, castile soap and consider making your own cleaning products. You really don’t need much of a variety. But we’ve been conditioned to thinks so.

And anything that’s an odor remover or smell enhancer like air fresheners… loaded with chemicals. I get headaches now when I’m around that stuff.

Vinegar can completely remove cat pee odor and gets blood out with just a few minutes of soaking. It has antifungal and antibacterial properties too.

We even realized it’s a better dish cleaner than soap and water while traveling in a van. A little spritz and you just wipe the dish clean. Amazing!

Image by Willfried Wende from Pixabay

Processed Food

If you’re not eating whole foods, you’re eating toxins. The list of ingredients on processed foods is absolutely insane. If you don’t know what an ingredient is, it probably causes inflammation in the body.

I’m sure you’ve heard of MSG (monosodium glutamate) and HFCS (high fructose corn syrup). These are taste enhances. There’s a ton more and then you have preservatives and artificial sweeteners. It’s all code for chemicals.

Enriched is code for food that has been stripped of its natural vitamins and minerals and replaced with synthetic versions of a select few. And many health symptoms are caused from deficiencies…

The easiest rule of thumb is to eat whole foods. Organic if you can, though I’m not sure how cost effective that is with chem trails polluting everything. But at least then there’s less pesticides and no GMO risk.

If you’re eating meats look for hormone and antibiotic free.

Chemical laden drinks like soda are many people’s biggest source of inflammatory substances.

Supercharge Tip:

Another way to reduce toxin exposure from food is to fast. Not eating for extended periods of time does a lot more than just reducing toxin input. It gives the body a break from the digesting process.

Every time you eat, your body takes 8 hours to digest that food from start to finish. When you forgo meals, the body has more bandwidth to attend to other processes.

Multi-day fasting causes beneficial hormone changes. And the cells can break down and destroys old, damaged, or abnormal proteins and remove other substances when it enters into autophagy.

Chemicals & Pesticides

I used to think this wasn’t a big deal until hearing how pesticides kill your good microbiome. A lot of which can’t come back without been reseeded with prebiotics.

And health is directly related to the amount of good microbiome that you have in your digestive tract. People are actually doing fecal transplants to help with the epidemic of digestive issues. No joke!

My dad has a landscaping company and I’m actually certified as a chemical applicator. I have to take continuously learning. The information provided by the Department of Ag is disturbing.

I now question why we care about weed control as much as we do. Recently, I discovered that dandelions are a superfood and they spring up when soil is overly compact to loosen it for other plants.

I’ve been looking into gardeners who don’t pull weeds. They are noticing that things balance out. It seems like weeds spring up first to fix the soil after it’s been depleted and synthetically fertilized.

Chemicals are in everything to do with pest control. And I’m seeing research showing that we’re also being exposed to venoms.

Our body won’t release venoms without someone else plugging into the receptors in their place. My mom and I are experimenting with this right now.


If you don’t think medications are harmful, ask any person who got on them and then ask them how their health trajectory went from there.

My mom started on antidepressants and those caused one symptom after another. Her doctors then put her one more medications. Then she needed surgeries and more medications.

She was on over 16 when I stumbled onto this health stuff. And don’t even get me started on the truckload of unnecessary crap that’s in vaccines. Antifreeze and heavy metals is all I have to say.

Not all medications are evil. Acute needs happen, but you should not be on medications indefinitely because they only treat symptoms, not root causes.

And 1 course of antibiotics and disrupt your microbiome for up to 6 years. Imagine how your digestive system looks after being on them most of your childhood like I was.

Many of the herbal and vitamin supplements that I find are natural and work better than their prescription counterparts.

I’ve even seen things taken off the market coincidently just before new drugs came out to treat the same thing. Look into tryptophan and Prozac. Tryptophan is more effective at elevating serotonin among other things.

Image by Steve Buissinne from Pixabay


Clean water is hard to come by. If you drink tap water, you’re ingesting so much crap. From medications that others are taking, bleach, the bad kind of fluoride and heavy metals.

Water treatment plants use chemicals to “purify” our sewage and pump it back to us in public drinking water.

You’re not even safe from pesticide if you have well water. They can leech into ground water without a 3 mile radius.

And I hate to tell you this, but a lot of bottled water is pretty sketchy too. Not necessarily from the contaminant point of view, but the chemicals used to clean and sterilize the plastic before they are filled.

Isopropyl alcohol is a common cleaning agent and has been found in cancer tumors along with benzoate which is a food preservative. Guess what’s the main ingredient in a lot of hand sanitizers…isopropyl alcohol.

Your best option for clean water is reverse osmosis, Alexapure filtration systems and water distillers. I have an experiment I want to run comparing the impurities across water sources.

Teeth Fillings

Silver amalgams are 50 percent mercury. They used to be considered safe. Now we know they’re poisoning people. Other metal teeth fillings can be pretty bad as well. I believe gold fillings give off nickel.

if you have any of these, remove them and replace them with non metal ceramic or less expensive composite (resin and plastic) fillings.

That will eliminate a big source of toxic exposure since you’re constantly ingesting toxic material with them in your mouth.


Cookware safety is changing all the time. Teflon is now the new evil in the marketplace. People are on the hunt for replacement non stick pans.

Many are turning to non toxic ceramic. Tests that I’ve looked over show GreenPan to be the best, but they still show some heavy metals in the ceramic coating.

Then you find studies showing that stainless steal isn’t all it’s cracked up to be. Nickel and chromium leech into acidic foods. I know they bind best to fats and I don’t even hear anyone testing fat from these pans.

Plastic is another one. Beyond BPA, who knows what’s okay and not when it comes to plastic. Or if its any less worse than metal items.

I feel like this area is a crap shoot. You’re eating a little bit of metal every time you use utensils any way you look at it unless you use wood, which seems impractical.

My lightweight camping cookware is apparently the antichrist. So I’ve been cooking with water in stainless and adding fat afterwards hoping for less leeching. I’ll have to do tests to see.

Based on hours of research, glass cookware seems to be the way to go. If you choose a different option, you’re best bet is to do daily binders to sop up any trace metals that you ingest.

Image by Taken from Pixabay

Household Items That Off Gas

Most bedding and furniture is sprayed with flame retardants which are toxic chemicals we breath in the entire time they are in our homes.

Carpets, wall paint, floor stains and plastics off gas as well. Almost every electronic device has plastic components.

Did you know that most drier belts have asbestos in them still? How about the fluorocarbons in refrigerators and freezers?

The chemicals and cleaners that are under our sinks. When you take a hot shower with city water you are breathing in bleach mist.

The air in our home is so much worse than being outside. You can get air purifiers, but houseplants can do the same thing better. And open your windows as much as you can. Also get your butt outside.


This is another big one that reeks havoc on your system. It’s not the mold itself that is the problem but the mycotoxins that it gives off that float around in the air.

Many people don’t even know they have mold issues. Be weary of any house that has had water damage. Leaking pipes like under the sink can also cause mold to form.

If you’ve ever lived somewhere that made you feel sick, there is likely mold lurking somewhere. Mildew smells can indicate this as well.

Hire a mold specialist to assess your property.

Want More?

Are you ready to jump into supplements? Check out this quick starter guide.

Have you removed any of these and noticed a difference in your health?

Sometimes you don’t notice until you add things back in when the headaches and swelling start back up…

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